Описание: Reunion является продолжением DProto для ReHLDS. Это metamod плагин, который позволяет заходить 47/48 Non-Steam на сервер. Разработку начал Crock, но, в связи с появлением новых проектов, не успел закончить. На данный момент разработкой и поддержкой занимаются Asmodai и s1lent.
Особенности: • Поддержка всех известных steam/non-steam клиентов. • Поддержка 48/47 протоколов. • Эмуляция AuthID по железу клиента. Для этого на клиенте должен быть установлен один из поддерживаемых эмуляторов. • Эмуляция AuthID по IP-адресу клиента. Для каждого типа клиента можно выбрать свой AuthID. Например, для клиентов 48 протокола сделать STEAM_ , а для 47 — VALVE_ , либо вообще не пускать их на сервер. • Гибкая настройка разрешенных типов авторизации и префиксов для них. • Выбор протокола ответа на запрос к серверу.
Требования: • Движок ReHLDS653 или новее • MetaMod 1.20(p) или новее
1. Устанавливаем один из последних билдов сервера через SteamCMD. 2. Устанавливаем MetaMod в /addons/metamod/, где — папка мода Half-Life, например /cstrike/ для Counter-Strike 3. Создаем папку /addons/reunion/ 4. Копируем в нее из архива reunion_X_X_X.zip файл reunion_mm_i386.so или reunion_mm.dll в зависимости от используемой ОС 5. Добавляем эту библиотеку в конфиг MetaMod. Для этого открываем /addons/metamod/plugins.ini (если его нет, создаем сами) и пишем: Linux:
linux addons/reunion/reunion_mm_i386.so
win32 addons\reunion\reunion_mm.dll
6. Копируем из архива reunion_X_X_X.rar файл reunion.cfg в корень сервера или папку мода. Вносим в него необходимые изменения в соответствии с вашими требованиями к конфигурации.
7. Запускаем сервер и командой meta list проверяем статус Linux:
Currently loaded plugins: description stat pend file vers src load unlod [ 1] Reunion RUN - reunion_mm_i386.so vX.X.X ini Start Never …
Currently loaded plugins: description stat pend file vers src load unlod [ 1] Reunion RUN - reunion_mm.dll vX.X.X ini Start Never …
8. Установка Reunion завершена, теперь нужен ReHLDS, переходим по ссылке ->*click* скачиваем архив rehlds-0.X-XXXXXXXX.XXXXXX-XX.zip по последней дате.
Более подробнее о ReHLDS можно почитать здесь ->*click* (или здесь).
• dp_rejmsg_steam "Sorry, legit clients are not allowed on this server" • dp_rejmsg_nosteam47 "Sorry, no-steam p47 clients are not allowed on this server" • dp_rejmsg_nosteam48 "Sorry, no-steam p48 clients are not allowed on this server" • dp_rejmsg_hltv "Sorry, HLTV is not allowed on this server" • dp_rejmsg_pending "Sorry, unauthorized clients are not allowed on this server" • dp_rejmsg_revemu "Sorry, RevEmu clients are not allowed on this server" • dp_rejmsg_revemu2013 "Sorry, RevEmu2013 clients are not allowed on this server" • dp_rejmsg_steamemu "Sorry, SteamEmu clients are not allowed on this server" • dp_rejmsg_oldrevemu "Sorry, Old RevEmu clients are not allowed on this server" • dp_rejmsg_avsmp "Sorry, AVSMP clients are not allowed on this server" • dp_rejmsg_revemu_sc2009 "Sorry, revEmu/SC2009 clients are not allowed on this server" • dp_rejmsg_sxei "Sorry, sXe Injected clients are not allowed on this server" • dp_rejmsg_sse3 "Sorry, SSE3 clients are not allowed on this server"
# ClientID types (for cid_* options) # 1: Real (or generated by HW) steam (STEAM_xx:xx:xx) # 2: Real (or generated by HW) valve (VALVE_xx:xx:xx) # 3: STEAM_ by IP # 4: VALVE_ by IP # 5: Deprecated - client will be rejected # 6: reserved for future use # 7: HLTV # 8: STEAM_ID_LAN # 9: STEAM_ID_PENDING # 10: VALVE_ID_LAN # 11: VALVE_ID_PENDING # 12: STEAM_666:88:666
# Use these options to set authid's for clients
# For Legit Steam clients (default is real STEAM_xx:xx:xx [1]) cid_Steam = 1
# Client recognized as pending when they sucessfully authorized, but did not get steam id # REMARK: Actually, it got steamid, but it is useless (STEAM_0:0:0 for example) # default is STEAM_ID_PENDING [9] cid_SteamPending = 9
# for HLTV (default is HLTV [7]) cid_HLTV = 7
# for p.47 clients that do not support unique id generation (default is STEAM_ID_LAN [8]) cid_NoSteam47 = 8
# for p.48 clients that do not support unique id generation (default is VALVE_ID_LAN [10]) cid_NoSteam48 = 10
# For players having revEmu ( >= 9.74) on client-side: # default is real STEAM_xx:xx:xx [1] cid_RevEmu = 1
# For players having RevEmu 2013 on client-side: # default is real STEAM_xx:xx:xx [1] cid_RevEmu2013 = 1
# For players having SteamClient 2009 / revEmu > 9.82 on client-side: # default is real STEAM_xx:xx:xx [1] cid_SC2009 = 1
# For players having old revEmu on client-side: # default is real STEAM_xx:xx:xx [1] cid_OldRevEmu = 1
# For players having hCupa's SteamEmu on client-side: # default is real STEAM_xx:xx:xx [1] cid_SteamEmu = 1
# For players having AVSMP (Cracked Steam) on client-side: # default is real STEAM_xx:xx:xx [1] cid_AVSMP = 1
# For SETTI ServerScanner # default is STEAM_xx:xx:xx generated by IP [3] cid_Setti = 3
# For SXEI Clients # default is real STEAM_xx:xx:xx [1] cid_SXEI = 1
# For players having SmartSteamEmu > 1.2.4 on client-side: # default is real STEAM_xx:xx:xx [1] cid_SSE3 = 1
# ServerInfoAnswerType (0/1/2) # Sets server answer type for query requests # 0 = New style (Source Engine) # 1 = Old Style (Fix favorites list for p.47 clients) # 2 = Hybrid mode - Server is visible anywhere, but there are 3 packets generated for every serverinfo request ServerInfoAnswerType = 0
# EnableSXEIdGeneration (0 / 1) # Turns on steamid generation based on info sent by sXeI client # Enable this ONLY if you have sXeI server installed! EnableSXEIdGeneration = 0
# SC2009_RevCompatMode (0 / 1) # Enable fix to make steamids generated for SC2009 compatible with revEmu SC2009_RevCompatMode = 1
# SteamIdHashSalt (string) # Salt string for SteamIDs hashing. Irreversibly changes SteamIDs. Applies only to SteamIDs generated by emulators. # Should be more than 16 chars length. If string is empty, hashing is not applied. SteamIdHashSalt =
# EnableGenPrefix2 (0 / 1) # Enable second prefix (0 or 1) for generated by HW authids. Reduces chance of authid collisions. EnableGenPrefix2 = 0
# HLTVExcept_IP (ip addr) # HLTV from this IP will be able to join the server even if cid_HLTV is set to 5 (deprecated) HLTVExcept_IP =
# IPGen_Prefix1 (int) # STEAM_a:b:c # first prefix (a) for authids generated by IP IPGen_Prefix1 = 0
# IPGen_Prefix2 (int) # STEAM_a:b:c # second prefix (b) for authids generated by IP IPGen_Prefix2 = 4
# Native_Prefix1 (int) # STEAM_a:b:c # first prefix (a) for authids generated by native auth method (Steam) Native_Prefix1 = 0;
# RevEmu_Prefix1 (int) # STEAM_a:b:c # first prefix (a) for authids generated by Steamclient 2009 SC2009_Prefix1 = 0;
# RevEmu_Prefix1 (int) # STEAM_a:b:c # first prefix (a) for authids generated by RevEmu RevEmu_Prefix1 = 1;
# RevEmu2013_Prefix1 (int) # STEAM_a:b:c # first prefix (a) for authids generated by RevEmu2013 RevEmu2013_Prefix1 = 1;
# OldRevEmu_Prefix1 (int) # STEAM_a:b:c # first prefix (a) for authids generated by old RevEmu OldRevEmu_Prefix1 = 2;
# SteamEmu_Prefix1 (int) # STEAM_a:b:c # first prefix (a) for authids generated by SteamEmu SteamEmu_Prefix1 = 3;
# SteamEmu_Prefix1 (int) # STEAM_a:b:c # first prefix (a) for authids assigned for AVSMP Clients (Cracked steam) AVSMP_Prefix1 = 4;
# Setti_Prefix1 (int) # STEAM_a:b:c # first prefix (a) for authids assigned for Setti server scanner Setti_Prefix1 = 5;
# SXEI_Prefix1 (int) # STEAM_a:b:c # first prefix (a) for authids assigned for sXeI clients SXEI_Prefix1 = 6;
# SSE3_Prefix1 (int) # STEAM_a:b:c # first prefix (a) for authids assigned for SSE3 SSE3_Prefix1 = 7;
# Note that banid will use steamid WITHOUT any prefixes!
# ======================================================== # OTHER STUFF # ========================================================